Animaniacs (Related Recordings) - Multiplication Lyrics

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Artist: Animaniacs (Related Recordings)
Song Title: Multiplication
Visits: 736
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miss flameil:Yakko,
yakko:yes miss Flameil?
Miss Flameil:I want you to multiply...47 times...83.

7 times 3 is 21 which as you know is just two 10's plus 1
and so we put the one right here and we carry the 2 one left
to the top of the tenths place right next door,
and we put it on top of the number 4,
which is really four tenths that we multiply times 3 in the ones place
and that's why,
we now have 12 which we add to the 2 that we carry to get 14.

see how easy that was,
Ho ho it's multiplication,
it's math education,
hey Albert Einstein said that it's so easy to do,
it's simple it's breezy,
it's fun and it's easy,
just buy a calculator,
you can multpily too.

and now the second digit!
7 times 8 is 56 which as you know is just 5 tens plus 6
and so we put the 6 right here in the tenths place, left of the one,
carry the 5 like we did before,
to the top of the tenths place next to the 4
then multiply that 4 times 8 to get 32 see isn't this great,
then we add the 5 that we carried before to get 37,
then add once more, straight down to get 3901.

isn't this swell,
oh lets give multiplication
a standing ovation,
Issac Newton multiplied a couple times two,
times two, times two, times two,
it's simple it's breezy,
it's fun and it's easy,
so buy a calculator, and study this stuff later,
maybe someday you can multiply numbers, 2...3...4...5...RECESS.

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