Anita Cochran - What If I Said (anita Cochran & Steve Wariner) Lyrics

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Artist: Anita Cochran
Song Title: What If I Said (anita Cochran & Steve Wariner)
Visits: 860
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(anita cochran)

We've been friends for a long long time
You tell me your secrets and i'll tell you mine
She's left you all alone
And you feel like no one cares
But i have never failed you
I've always been there

You tell your story
It sounds a bit like mine
It's the same old situation
It happens every time
Can't we see it oh maybe you and me
Is what's meant to be
Do we disagree

What if i told you what if i said that i love you
How would you feel what would you think
What would we do
Do we dare to cross that line between your heart and mine
Or would i lose a friend or find a love that would never end
What if i said

She doesn't love you oh it's' plain to see
I can read between the lines of what you're telling me
He doesn't hold you the way a woman should be held
How long can i go on keeping these feelings to myself

What if i told you what if i said that i love you
How would you feel what would you think
What would we do
Do we dare to cross that line between your heart and mine
Or would i lose a friend or find a love that would never end
What if i said

Oh we've both had our share of lonliness
So whose to say that we can't have a little happiness
And if i found that in you
It would make my dreams come true
Or would you walk away
Hear what i have to say

What if i told you what if i said that i love you
How would you feel what would you think
What would we do

Do we dare to cross that line between your heart and mine
I've always wondered from the day we met
What if i said
What if i said
What if i said

What If I Said (anita Cochran & Steve Wariner) Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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    and walk with me, talk with me, come with me let's make life complete dance with me laugh with me forget the world and make love with me you're everything that i'll ever need all of my strenth the breath that i breathe. All of my hopes and my dreams is you with me.
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