Anita Hegerland - Innocent Lyrics

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Artist: Anita Hegerland
Song Title: Innocent
Visits: 767
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I know you'll never stay the same
In time most of us lose it
But I'm hoping just the same
You'll shine and learn how to use it

Speak to me like the very first speak
You are magnificent when you're innocent
Laugh to me like the very first laugh
You are from heaven sent when you're innocent

My hands hold you and you adore
Blue eyes turn my direction
Suprise in everything and your
Body moves in perfection

Smile to me like the very first smile
You are magnificen when you're innocent
Walk to me like the very first walk
You are from heaven sent when you're innocent

Sunrise here comes another day
Cow jumps over the moon now
Sometime you will look back and say
Today I'll sing my own tune

Sing to me like the very first sing
You are magnificent when you're innocent
Laugh to me like the very first laugh
You are omipotent when you're innocent

Speak to me like the very first speak
You are magnificent when you're innocent
Smile to me like the very first smile
You are from heaven sent when you're innocent
Sing to me like the very first sing
You are magnificent when you're innocent

Innocent Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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