Anka Paul - Steel Guitar and a Glass of Wine Lyrics

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Artist: Anka Paul
Anka Paul Author
Song Title: Steel Guitar and a Glass of Wine
Visits: 721
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Just give me a steel guitar, a glass of wine
And let me drink to a love I thought was mine
A love I thought was true to me
But now I'm drinkin' to her memory
A steel guitar and a glass of wine
While my tears they glisten and the candles shine
Oh candle-glow, oh candle bright
Tell me who she holds tonight

And bring me wine
And make the music mine
Play another set
So that I'll forget

Mmm, bring me a steel guitar and a glass of wine
And let me toast her just one more time
Oh candle-glow, before you dim
Tell her what a fool she's been

And bring me wine
Make the music mine
Play another set
So that I'll forget

And bring me a steel guitar and a glass of wine
And let me toast her just one more time
Oh candle-glow, before you dim
Tell her what a fool she's been

And one more thing before I go
Here's a secret, I still love her so
And one more thing before I go
Here's a secret, I still love her so
And one more thing before I go
Here's a secret, I still love her so
And one more thing before I go
Here's a secret, I still love her so

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