Anka Paul - The Teen Commandments Lyrics

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Artist: Anka Paul
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Song Title: The Teen Commandments
Visits: 773
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Now, these are the Teen Commandments:

1. Stop and think before you drink.

2. Don't let your parents down; they brought you up.

3. Be humble enough to obey. You will be giving orders yourself someday.

4. At the first moment, turn away from unclean thinking ?at the first

5. Don't show off driving. If you want to race, go to Indianapolis.

6. Choose a date who would make a good mate.

7. Go to church faithfully. The Creator gives you the week; give Him back an

8. Choose your companions carefully. You are what they are.

9. Avoid following the crowd. Be an engine, not a caboose.

10. Or even better ?keep the original Ten Commandments.

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