Anne Clark - The Lovers Audition Lyrics

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Artist: Anne Clark
Anne Clark Author
Song Title: The Lovers Audition
Visits: 845
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They'll kiss you quick
And squeeze you slowly
Fall asleep
Then get up and go

Thanx very much
I'll see you sometime
Oh - you say
Ah - the pleasure's all mine !!

Fire, Earth, Air and Water
We all line up
Like cattle
To the slaughter

Give me love
Give me affection
Hetresexual, homosexual
An endless selection

Cats scream out
In the middle of the night
And you'll scream out
As they scratch and they bite

The night converges
Into the day
You get up
And force the tears away

He was your reason for living
So you once said
Now your reason for living
Has left you feeling half dead

Some recall lovers
By visits to the clinic
Those without time
For deep thinkers or cynics

Others want their lovers
Locked in a jar
While some perform better
In the back of a car

Roll up ! Roll up !
Who will be
The next to promise
Love to me

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