Anne Haigis - Papa Lyrics

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Artist: Anne Haigis
Song Title: Papa
Visits: 861
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In dead of night I picture all the reasons to quit But my mind's worn out the alternatives won't fit So I try to justify Feeling like a domino No matter where I lie I'm sleeping on a volcano So I go to the place where I know you'll be tonight and it makes it alright And I hear that song when I see you again It goes la da la la da da da da You look good You look so fine And if I don't touch you soon I'm gonna go out of my mind Out of out of my mind Out of my mind So I've rehearsed the scene I've lived it now a thousand times I see you walking my way and I forget my lines Oh but I dream of your love And I can taste your kiss And I try to forget the fact you don't even know thatb I exist So I go to the place where I know you'll be tonight and it makes it alright And I hear that song when I see you again It goes la da la da da da da

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