Anne Hathaway feat Jesse McCartney - Dont Go Breaking My Heart Lyrics

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Artist: Anne Hathaway feat Jesse McCartney
Song Title: Dont Go Breaking My Heart
Visits: 817
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A: (Don't, don't, don't, don't go breakin')
Don't go breakin' my heart
J: I couldn't if I tried
A: Oh honey if I get restless
J: Baby you're not that kind

A: Oooh, nobody knows it
J: And nobody knows it
J: Right from the start
A: I gave you my heart
J: Oh baby, you know
Both: I gave you my heart

Both: so don't go breakin' my heart
I wont go breakin' your heart
J: Oooh don't go breakin' my
A: Don't go breakin' my heart

J: And nobody told us
A: 'Coz nobody showed us
J: Ya know baby its up to us now
A: Oooo I think we can make it

Both: Oooo, and nobody knows it
(Nobody knows it)
J: Right from the start
A: I gave you my heart
J: Oh baby, you know
Both: I gave you my heart
Don't go breakin' my heart
I wont go breakin' your heart
Don't go breakin' my
Don't go breakin' my
Don't go breakin' my heart

J: Ooooohhh
J: You put the sparks of flame
A: I got your heart at my side
Both: Ooooo, and nobody knows it
(And nobody knows it)
A: And when I was down
J: I was your clown
J: right from the start
A: I gave you my heart
J: Oooo, baby
Both: I gave you my heart
A: (Don't, don't, don't, don't go breakin')
I won't go breakin'

Both: Don't go breakin' my heart
J: I will never
A: I wont go breakin' your heart
Both: Oooo don't go breakin' my
Don't go breakin' my
A: Don't go breakin' my heart
J: Ooooooo
A: Don't go breakin' my heart
J: Yea yea yea
A: I won't go breakin' your heart
J: Ooo don't go breakin' my
A: Don't go breakin' my
Both: Don't go breakin' my heart

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