Anneliese Van Der Pol - Alone In The Hallways Lyrics

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Artist: Anneliese Van Der Pol
Song Title: Alone In The Hallways
Visits: 753
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Everyday in French class,
I ask Madamosele for the girls' room pass.
And my heart fills with emotion,
As I'm struck once again by the same old notion!
All alone in the hallways is always
Just a stairwell, the lockers, and me
'Cause the hallways in big ways and small ways,
Are such a lonely place to be.
Yes, alone in the hallways as always,
the garbage cans are my only friends.
I've always hated to be isolated,
but then third peroid ends.
And these halls I was in,
will soon be buzzin, with students and teachers,
and jocks and their sneakers.
The bell starts ringing and everybody's singing,
Won't be alone, on my own in the hallways..........
No More--------------!!

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Other Anneliese Van Der Pol song Lyrics
  • Over It (Anneliese Van Der Pol)
    "How could you know
    That behind my eyes a sad girl cried?
    And how could you know
    That I hurt so much inside?..."
  • Over It (Awesome)
    "How could ya know,
    that behind my eyes a sad girl cried.
    And how could ya know
    that it hurt so much inside?..."
  • Over It (Stuck In The Suburbs Soundtrack)
    "How could you know
    That behind my eyes a sad girl cried
    And how could you know
    That I hurt so much inside..."
  • Over It Full
    "How could you know that behind my eyes a sad girl cried
    And how could you know that I hurt so much inside
    How could you know that I?m not the average girl
    I?m carrying the weight of the world, yeah..."
  • Over It
    "How could you know
    That behind my eyes a sad girl cried
    And how could you know
    That I hurt so much inside..."

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