Anneliese Van Der Pol - Over It Full Lyrics
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Anneliese Van Der Pol Singer Lyrics
Over It Full Song Lyrics
Anneliese Van Der Pol
Song Title:
Over It Full
Print Version
How could you know that behind my eyes a sad girl cried
And how could you know that I hurt so much inside
How could you know that I?m not the average girl
I?m carrying the weight of the world, yeah
So can you get me out of here
Take me away
We?ll jump in the car drive ?til the gas runs out
And we?ll walk so far
That we can?t see this place anymore
Take a day off
Give it a rest
So I can forget about this mess
IfI lighten up a little bit
Then I will be over it
I?m playing the role of the happy girl
But no one knows
Inside I?m alone
But I would never let it show (never let it show)
I dread everyday
Too much work and not enough play
Over and over it?s always the same, yeah
But you can make everything okay
Take me away
We?ll jump in the car drive ?til the gas runs out
And we?ll walk so far
That we can?t see this place anymore
Take a day off
Give it a rest
So I can forget about this mess
If I lighten up a little bit
Then I will be over it
Over it
And when the world is closing in
I can leave it all and just walk away
I can always start all over again
I am closer to a better day..
Take me away
Jump in the car drive ?til the gas runs out
And we?ll walk so far
That we can?t see this place anymore
Take a day off
Give it a rest
So I can forget about this mess
If I lighten up a little bit
Then I will be over it
Take me away(x3)
Jump in the car drive ?til the gas runs out
And we?ll walk so far
That we can?t see this place anymore
Take a day off
Give it a rest
So I can forget about this mess
If I lighten up a little bit
Then I will be
If I lighten up a little bit
Then I will be
Over it
Over it
I am over it
(over it)
Over It Full Lyrics
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Other Anneliese Van Der Pol song Lyrics
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"Everyday in French class,
I ask Madamosele for the girls' room pass.
And my heart fills with emotion,
As I'm struck once again by the same old notion!..."
Over It (Anneliese Van Der Pol)
"How could you know
That behind my eyes a sad girl cried?
And how could you know
That I hurt so much inside?..."
Over It (Awesome)
"How could ya know,
that behind my eyes a sad girl cried.
And how could ya know
that it hurt so much inside?..."
Over It (Stuck In The Suburbs Soundtrack)
"How could you know
That behind my eyes a sad girl cried
And how could you know
That I hurt so much inside..."
Over It
"How could you know
That behind my eyes a sad girl cried
And how could you know
That I hurt so much inside..."
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