Annihilator - Word Salad Lyrics

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Artist: Annihilator
Annihilator Author
Album: Alice In Hell (1989)
Annihilator - Alice In Hell Album
Song Title: Word Salad
Genre: Metal
Visits: 851
Print Version

White coats swarm about the patient. They've come to see inside his head.
White coats say he's incoherent and tell him that he's sick. Straps and
restraints don't hold back the horrible visions, and the syrup in the syringe
only causes them to melt into a vile blob. They don't understand his
monosyllabic utterances, yet the patient babbles on in his foreign
tongue... lobotomy."

Closets of my mind destroyed, as I enter outward from a void
Corpses white have strapped me down, I rise above then fall
Tactual hallucination, cockroaches infest the wall

Psychic pain on ice, I hurt
Devoid strength my life, inert
Anger fills they're shocked me back
White corpses turn to black
I run on psychic gasoline, my fuel shall burn you all

Word salad, no ballad
Word salad, no ballad

Diabolic plot, a toy, my brain the corpses to destroy
Prick my arm, injection fed, it's poison, I'm no fool
Tetanus shot, be sure it's not, I wish I were at school
Closets of my mind destroyed, but I enter inward, black void
Hatred turned to apathy, led down this black abyss
Good night, farewell you pig from hell, this world I shall not miss

Word salad, no ballad
Word salad

Woken up from death, nausea
Catatonic stupor, anoxia
Remaining still I hold onto a sense of permanence
Negativistic fear of pain, algophobic life sentence
Moral, physical decay, hatred withered away
Scourge of god he makes me pay, I shall not live or die
Vegetative judgement passed, my only thought to cry

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  • Never
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  • Human Remains
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  • Dead Wrong
    "tar me, feather me and push me around, punish me and correct me,
    kick me when I'm down crucify me and stone me, hang me out to die
    well light the fire and burn me, all because of a lie
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  • Wind
    "I'm walking in the darkness, I'm trying to unwind
    just the kind of peace, I need to soothe my mind
    I'm tired of all the noise, tired of all the pain
    escape in the night, just to face another day..."
  • Tricks And Traps
    "hey you, I need a friend, I hope you feel the same,
    this life is sucking me dry, how do you deal with the pain
    step closer, my friend, come and hear my pitch,
    I understand, just how do you feel, well ain't life a bitch..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Alice In Hell" album, click "Annihilator Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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