Announcement Public - The Reverend Speak On It Spilt Milk Lyrics
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The Reverend Speak On It Spilt Milk Song Lyrics
Announcement Public
Song Title:
The Reverend Speak On It Spilt Milk
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['Speak On It']
Hey y'all what happenin'?
Good ol' 'Speak On It' speakin'
And I'mma tell y'all bout a story
And I'mma try to be fierce about this here
Cause this here is real serious
And I want y'all to listen
You go to the barber shop
You got the same guy, talkin' bout the same chick
He was with the other night
When you go to the beauty salon
Aww man I don't even go there
Cause them women go off in there, they talk about different things
Boy that I just creep on by, ya understand
That's the kind of stuff that happenin' right now
Ya see what I'm sayin', feel me
That's when you're tellin' a real story
Ya understand
Lord only know
'Speak On It' is talking about it to
Ya know what I'm saying
Ain't no help on it
So look here, if you gon be a real playa
You need to come to the school of - what they call it?
(Hard Knock)
Yeah school of hard knock, that's where ya need to come
And take a good lesson, know what I'm saying
Of course, ol' 'Speak On It' gon be teaching
You know I'm gonna be teaching, but geez
We ain't talkin' bout me
We ain't gon talk about 'Speak On It'
We gon talk about you and all these foolish things that you doing
You got to keep it real, know what I'm saying
So you keep your thing tight, ya understand me
And make sure that your business is in order
Cause it ain't no game out here
Ain't no more dedication in the game
No sense of crying now
We got to talk about this
1 - What we gonna do about him
What we gonna do about her
What we gonna do about this
What we gonna do about us
Ain't no sense in crying over spilt milk
Repeat 1
Asked you who he was you said John Doe
You asked me who she was I said...I don't know
We were both creepin didn't nobody know
With someone else that's bogus for sho
When you called me, never called you back
When I finally did I got a voicemail attack
You be trippin, cussin, talking mad shit
We were both caught up what we gone do about this thing
Repeat 1 (2x)
This is crazy
Never been caught up before
Never has it went down like this before
I'm lampin with this shorty that I'm vibin to
For a sec turn around
My woman with somebody too
I'm like take a deep breath and don't lose your cool.
Cause this ain't the time or the place to act a fool
He don't know you're my woman, she don't know I'm your man
I guess the way it's goin down we both should understand, come on
Repeat 1 (2x)
If you don't get love then you'll look for love
If you don't give love then don't expect love
If you don't get love then you'll look for love
If you don't give love then don't expect love
Repeat 1 till end
The Reverend Speak On It Spilt Milk Lyrics
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"you know damn well where he was last night
it makes no sense everyday you fight
makes me so mad what he puts you through
when im the only man that's made for you..."
John Doe
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is watching it your problem is every time my pager go off I don't pay it no
mind and my problem is every time the phone rings you run and hide now what's
the two people between us that don't exist and we're both going to go on lying..."
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Get on the floor for this one
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Say what, let's bounce, bounce to this..."
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Don't ever leave, I don't wanna lose you
You're always there, support all my needs
That's what you call love, L-O-V-E?..."
"Chorus -
Where you at?
Been trying to reach ya..."
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"They say that a man
Ain't supposed to cry
But baby your tears I cry
PA sing it..."
"Yeah! What's up mami?
You know how papi like it
Don't be shy
Come on..."
"Yeah PA, 2000
What? Rithickulous!
Yeah what girl?
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