Anorexia Nervosa - Tragedia Dekadencia Lyrics

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Artist: Anorexia Nervosa
Anorexia Nervosa Author
Album: Drudenhaus (2000)
Anorexia Nervosa - Drudenhaus Album
Song Title: Tragedia Dekadencia
Genre: Metal: Death, Black
Visits: 896
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Je suis celui que tu ecoutais dans l'ombre de minuit
lui dont la pensee chuchotait a ton ame
lui dont tu devinais vaguement la tristesse
lui dont tu voyais l'image en songe
Celui dont le regard tue l'espoir
Celui que personne n'aime
Le fleau de mes esclaves terrestres
Le Roy de la connaissance et de la Liberte
L'ennemi des Cieux
Le Mal de la Nature

(Voila ce que vous avez fait de moi)

Evil I am not
...Just ordinary hate
You'll never understand
Let me leave this room

You will lose this wager, my lord
Whoreson, you are not me
I'm just like the others

A pit of bloted ground for to be made
For such a guest is meet
What kind of thing is more common ?
What think you on't ?

I'm as the indifferent children of the earth
As my heritage, a thousand humans died within my hand
A thousand lives, God offered me
The sublime hatred which fills my heart...
I'm God's anger and nothing more

Dominus Vobiscum
Et cum spiritu tuo

But age with his stealing steps
Hath clawed me in his clutch
And hath shipped me intil the land
As if I had never been such

Thou pray'st not well
For the love of God, forbear me !
You'll never understand
The devouring fire which burns in me

Let me leave this room
You will lose this wager my lord
Whoreson, you are not me
I'm just like all the others
The bastards you can't touch

Dominus Vobiscum
Et cum spiritu tuo
Per omnia saecula saeculorum

I'm as the indifferent children of the earth
A thousand humans died within my hand
A thousand lives, God offered me
As my heritage

Divine gift

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