Anquette - My Baby Mama Lyrics

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Artist: Anquette
Song Title: My Baby Mama
Visits: 810
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Now, who that is? (My baby mama)
Now, who that is? (My baby mama)
Now, who that is? (My baby mama)
Now, who that is? (My baby mama)
Now, who that is? (My baby mama)
Now, who that is? (My baby mama)
Now, who that is? (My baby mama)
Now, who that is? (My baby mama)

Why is it always the same ol' thing?
Wanna be a man yet you're playing games.
If you got a kid act a father,
If the baby ain't yours then hey why brother.
Don't try boy I don't buy it boy,
And if you don't change, you'll be crying boy.
'Cause something ain't right
And you know it sport,
That's probably why she taking your behind to court.
You got more hoochie mamas than the 2 Live Crew.
Now, who that is? (My baby mama)

Now, who that is? (My baby mama)
Now, who that is? (My baby mama)
Now, who that is? (My baby mama)
Now, who that is? (My baby mama)
Now, who that is? (My baby mama)
Now, who that is? (My baby mama)
Now, who that is? (My baby mama)
Now, who that is? (My baby mama)

Now, yesterday you said you was with your boys,
But I saw you and Gina so hold the noise.
You know the girl that I'm talking about.
That's right I'm calling your sorry butt out.
Now I think it's about time that I put you in check,
Buying two live tapes out of low respect.
For all you fellas this is just a game,
Macking to the ladies trying to build your name.
Wanna be a player trying to get a piece,
I'll break your neck if I catch a disease.
'Round town sowin' seeds like a farmer.
You better be aware of your baby mama.

Now, who that is? (My baby mama)
Now, who that is? (My baby mama)
Now, who that is? (My baby mama)
Now, who that is? (My baby mama)

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