Anthony Smith - Half A Man Lyrics

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Artist: Anthony Smith
Song Title: Half A Man
Visits: 725
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(Anthony Smith)

I can chop wood from dusk till dawn
I can swing a hammer till the daylights gone
I can build a barn,I can make a home with these two hands
But if I didn't have all your love I'd be half a man

I can fly planes up in the big sky
Blaze a trail though the woods in my 4 wheel drive
With a team of horses or an old John Deere,I can plow this land
But if I didn't have all your love I'd be half the man

I can hang the stars,I can rope the moon
Walk across Texas in these cowboy boots
I can run a train when it runs outta track
With the weight of the world laid across my back
But life still wouldn't be worth a damn
If I didn't have all your love I'd be half the man

I could build a fire,usin' nothin' but a stick
If I put my mind to it,there ain't much I can't fix
I can read and count,I can figure things out if I'm given the chance
But if I didn't have all your love I'd be half the man

I can hang the stars,I can rope the moon
Walk across Texas in these cowboy boots
I can run a train when it runs outta track
With the weight of the world laid across my back
But life still wouldn't be worth a damn
If I didn't have all your love I'd be half the man

I can hang the stars,I can rope the moon
Walk across Texas in these cowboy boots
I can run a train when it runs outta track
With the weight of the world laid across my back
But life still wouldn't be worth a damn
If I didn't have all your love I'd be half the man

I'd be half the man

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    Ten billion miles up, in some galaxy, yet to be seen...."

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