Anthony Smith - If That Aint Country Lyrics

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Artist: Anthony Smith
Song Title: If That Aint Country
Visits: 745
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(Anthony Smith/Jeffrey Steele)

Crank it

Where she grew up there ain't no roads
Out in the sticks where the ginseng grows
She's float down the river to get to school
Then her daddy come get her on an old pack mule
She ran back and forth shed to shack
Checkin' on the moonshine brewin' out back
If you don't get the picture by now
Then wait a minute

She got a bible,she's born again
She got a shotgun,she ain't afraid of sin
She got rebel rousin',rowdy friends singin',oh oh oh
She got a Trans Am,with a trailer hitch
She got horses,cows and Dixie Chicks
Goes honky tonkin' just for kicks
If that ain't country
I don't know what is

She plants fifty acres with seed an a hoe
Come Fall you get lost in the tall corn rows
Don't need no phone where she came from
She just holler down the mountain and the boys all run (Fast)
You might see her truck rollin' outta the woods
With a 12 point buck laid across the hoods
If you don't get the picture by now
Then wait a minute

She got a bible she's born again
She got a shotgun,she ain't afraid of sin
She got a rebel rousin' rowdy friends singin',oh oh oh
She got a Trans Am with a trailer hitch
She got horses,cows and Dixie Chicks
Goes honky tonkin' just for kicks
If that ain't country
I don't know what is

If you don't get the picture by now
Then wait a minute

She got a bible she's born again
She got a shotgun,she ain't afraid of sin
She got rebel rousin' rowdy friends singin',oh oh oh
She got a Trans Am with a trailer hitch
She got horses,cows and Dixie Chicks
Goes honky tonkin' just for kicks
If that ain't country
I don't know what is

I don't know what is
I don't know what
I don't know what is

If That Aint Country Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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