Anti Flag - Die For Your Government Lyrics

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Artist: Anti Flag
Anti Flag Author
Song Title: Die For Your Government
Visits: 829
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you've gotta die,
gotta die,
gotta die for your government?
die for your country?
that's shit!
there's a gulf war vet,
dying a slow,
cold death and the government says,
"we don't know the source of his sickness."
but don't believe what they say,
because your government is lying they've done it before and
don't you know they'll do it again a secret test,
government built virus "subject test group:
gulf battle field troops"
you've gotta die,
gotta die,
gotta die for your government?
die for your country?
that's shit!
first world war veterans slaughtered,
by general eisenhower you give them your life,
they give you a stab in the back radiation,
agent orange,
tested on us souls guinea pigs for western corporations i
never have,
i never will pledge allegiance to their flag you're getting used,
you'll end up dead!
you've gotta die,
gotta die,
gotta die for your government?
die for your country?
that's shit!
i don't need you to tell me what to do and i don't need you
to tell me what to be...
fuck you!
i don't need you to tell me what to say and i don't need you
to tell me what to think!
what to think!
what to think,
what to think,
what to think,
you've gotta die,
gotta die,
gotta die for your government?
ie for your country?
that's shit

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    "It's in the paper every day
    I see it in the headlines and I feel so sick, yeah
    But short
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  • Anatomy of Your Enemy
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  • Mumias Song
    "Arm in Arm - Fists held high
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    And our right to free speech..."

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