Antichrisis - The Farewell Lyrics

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Artist: Antichrisis
Antichrisis Author
Album: A Legacy of Love (1998)
Antichrisis - A Legacy of Love Album
Song Title: The Farewell
Genre: Rock: Folk-Rock
Visits: 792
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I wanted to five on top of a mountain
but it's cold and forsaken there without you now
I wanted to dive into the ocean of love
but I got shipwrecked on the shores of broken dreams
For you I sang songs of the nightswan
and each line I wrote was a beat of my heart
Forever burning on love's funeral pyre:
Stop beating now, my bleeding heart!
For this knife did cut too deep
so for the last time I'm trying not to breathe
Once there was a fire in the lighthouse of my heart:
I gave you so much more than just my love
and you broke so much more than just a promise
Our planet vanished so devastatingly amongst the mists of time
There was no treasure to be found
at Rainbow's End somewhere behind Andromeda
I've been waiting till the end of december
but no more will I ride for the winter solstice's child
will pass away silently on a midsummer's night
So may you come now, my Dead Romantic Angel
serenade Kyrahnean Hymns to me
Hold me in your arms cover me with elder flowers
and lake me down to my beloved sea
I'm so tired, so tremendously tired
Please wait for me under the midnight sun
where I will sing and dance again
and my laughter will be heard echoing down the hillside again...
Oh, how I tried to believe, how I loved,
How I tried to hold on to my dream.
How I wanted to live - but now I'm going home
to a place where love is more than just a four-letter word
and as I kiss the memory of yours goodnight
I'm beginning to see the light...

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Other Antichrisis song Lyrics
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  • Requiem Ex Sidhe
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  • Goodbye To Jane
    "See the girl on the floor
    As she's watching the rain
    Like sallow tracks of blood pouring down
    Scattered over the floor..."
  • Baleias
    "By the river I sat down one day
    All these trials to no avail!
    Broken dreams was all I bloody gained!
    Way down, Carry me down..."
  • Her Orphaned Throne
    ""He who once was artless like a child had to face the blackest night!"
    "Whereas his shadow walks The Earth in restless search for The Queen!"
    "Fading voices calling back the years into time's deadly embrace!"
    "In sombre distress he's entering the hall just to find Her Orphaned Throne!"..."
  • Descending Messiah
    "Down In the valley on a midwinter's night walks
    The Crone, unseen by human kind
    Her weary heart longing for rest
    Her eyes saw too much of sorrow and grief..."
  • Nightswan
    "Linger on, oh waning moon
    This midnight hour has come much too soon
    By the crystal lake we stand with our names in the sand
    Believe me, my Love; I will wait for you..."
  • Trying Not To Breathe
    "Oh, this void inside tears my soul apart
    Why did you lie? I lost my faith in you!
    Once there was purity but now only perfidy and pain
    because you've been untrue!..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "A Legacy of Love" album, click "Antichrisis Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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