Antichrisis - We Are The Witches Lyrics

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Artist: Antichrisis
Antichrisis Author
Album: Perfume (2001)
Antichrisis - Perfume Album
Song Title: We Are The Witches
Genre: Celtic
Visits: 796
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A gathering at night
A knock-knock on the door
Dressed in a red cloak
Her eyes gleaming with delight
The moment she's been waiting for
finally arrived
Sister's waiting for her
While the stars are shining bright

Incubus and succubus
The evil foe has cursed on us
The Demons rise on Hallowmass
Oh, this devilishness...

A plague came over us again
striking down my fellow-men
The priest became a scatterbrain
My word for it, Mister!

The churchyard it came tumbling down
The king of kings: A brainless clown
The prior stuck in the eiderdown
and I had to witness!

The piper played a dancing tune
and all came out on Harvest Moon
Altars staying unillumed
and women sinister!

Now she's awake
Dancing in the firelight
The dragon's call resounds
The serpent's kiss ignites
The fire of love
The dawning of a new day
Oh, sister of the night
You're the light of the world

Spellbound they're screaming in the street
How could we fall? Oh, this defeat...
The ruthless on the losing streak
We are so wasted!

So stupid that we did not see
How all those things should really be
The eyesore of humanity
a flawed mastermind!

What once seemed apprehensible
has turned into dispensible
because of being nonsensical
We should have been basted!

But now we've come to realize
the senselessness of alibis
and squander of self-sacrifice
so deaf, dull and blind!

We are the flow, we are the ebb
We are the weavers, we are the web
We are the flow, we are the ebb
We are the witches back from the dead

See me, I am life
and it's your birthright-ac

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  • Baleias
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    "In sombre distress he's entering the hall just to find Her Orphaned Throne!"..."
  • Descending Messiah
    "Down In the valley on a midwinter's night walks
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    Her eyes saw too much of sorrow and grief..."
  • Nightswan
    "Linger on, oh waning moon
    This midnight hour has come much too soon
    By the crystal lake we stand with our names in the sand
    Believe me, my Love; I will wait for you..."
  • Trying Not To Breathe
    "Oh, this void inside tears my soul apart
    Why did you lie? I lost my faith in you!
    Once there was purity but now only perfidy and pain
    because you've been untrue!..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Perfume" album, click "Antichrisis Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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