Anti-flag - Tearing Down The Borders Lyrics

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Artist: Anti-flag
Anti-flag Author
Album: The Terror State (2003)
Anti-flag - The Terror State Album
Song Title: Tearing Down The Borders
Genre: Rock: Punk-Rock
Visits: 754
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No one flag flies over the multi-national company
No allegiance to the board's homeland, fellow citizens, the flag, born of their country
As the brainwashed nationalists move
To shed their blood on battlefields

War profiteering rich watch their stock reap high yields

We're tearing down the borders
We're fighting for the rights of freedom (x2)


No patriotic pledge from multinational companies
Only a commitment to lock away equality and steal away all freedom from the
Poorest of the poor, so that the boardoom can insure
Their stockholders profits are higher in return

We're tearing down the boarders
We're fighting for the rights of freedom (2)

It's our world, lets take it back (Lets set ourselves free, whoah)
It's our world, lets take it back (Lets set ourselves free, whoah)
It's our world, we want it back! (Lets set ourselves free, whoah)
It's your world, take your world back!

Take it fucking back

There's a call, a ringing sound
Around the globe, It's gaining ground
We're tearing down the boarders

There's a voice, in your heart
It beckons you, to do your part
We're tearing down the boarders

The line is drawn, in the sand
On one side, you're a slave - the other, a free man
We're tearing down the boarders

There's a call, freedom's sound
Around the globe, It's gaining ground
We're Tearing Down the Boarder

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Other Anti-flag song Lyrics
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    But you don't have to believe me go ahead and be the corporate stooge
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  • Bring It To An End
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  • A New Kind Of Army
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  • Captain Anarchy
    He says that for the punk rock scene he'd give his fucking life
    But he's only ever paid to see a show once maybe twice
    Instead he stands outside the hall and pan handles for beer..."
  • Free Nation?
    "You push and push a people, what are they to do?
    Soon this corporate run government will be through
    You see, it doesn't represent the people anymore
    Big business are the pimps and governments' their whores..."
  • Got The Numbers
    "You push and push a people, what are they to do?
    Soon this corporate run government will be through
    You see, it doesn't represent the people anymore
    Big business are the pimps and governments' their whores..."
  • No Apology
    "As I look from this stage at the hundreds of kids in this room with me
    The truth is so plain and so obvious, I just can't help to see...
    That all of us we are one and the same
    Only different in our ages and our names ......"
  • No Difference
    "As I look from this stage at the hundreds of kids in this room with me
    The truth is so plain and so obvious, I just can't help to see...
    That all of us we are one and the same
    Only different in our ages and our names......"
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "The Terror State" album, click "Anti-flag Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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