Anti-flag - Whats The Difference? Lyrics

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Artist: Anti-flag
Anti-flag Author
Album: [2002] Mobilize (2002)
Anti-flag - [2002] Mobilize Album
Song Title: Whats The Difference?
Genre: Rock: Punk-Rock
Visits: 884
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the constitution crumbles beneath the weight of facists
no right to assemble - no free speech for the masses
seattle '99 the mayor's decree
anti - W.T.O statements are grounds for an arresting!

our leaders decry tianamen
and dare to speak of freedom
as they unleash our cops on us
so...what's...the fucking difference?

behind locked doors in session
world sponsored coroporate politicians
structure policy to build more coroporate strength
at news conference they claim, "we listen!"
while they lockout their own constituents
so we march on to raise our voice
because we are left with no choice!!!

in china, nike pays workers fifty cents a day
in the U.S. lawmakers give china "free trade"
human rights-based sanctions just washed away
when our lawmakers are owned by multinational;s money


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Other Anti-flag song Lyrics
  • Thats Youth
    "Don't trust them as far as you can throw them
    'Cause as strong as you may be you won't be able to move them an inch
    But you don't have to believe me go ahead and be the corporate stooge
    that they trained you to be and......"
  • Bring It To An End
    "We've got just 30 seconds
    to sing to you about...
    Nationalism, facism,
    corporate greed, hate..."
  • A New Kind Of Army
    "LOOK BACK...on history, nothing much has changed
    THOUSANDS...of soldiers of all countries, all marching the same
    Every nation's leader says that our side is right
    Every nation's leader says the time has come to fight..."
  • Captain Anarchy
    He says that for the punk rock scene he'd give his fucking life
    But he's only ever paid to see a show once maybe twice
    Instead he stands outside the hall and pan handles for beer..."
  • Free Nation?
    "You push and push a people, what are they to do?
    Soon this corporate run government will be through
    You see, it doesn't represent the people anymore
    Big business are the pimps and governments' their whores..."
  • Got The Numbers
    "You push and push a people, what are they to do?
    Soon this corporate run government will be through
    You see, it doesn't represent the people anymore
    Big business are the pimps and governments' their whores..."
  • No Apology
    "As I look from this stage at the hundreds of kids in this room with me
    The truth is so plain and so obvious, I just can't help to see...
    That all of us we are one and the same
    Only different in our ages and our names ......"
  • No Difference
    "As I look from this stage at the hundreds of kids in this room with me
    The truth is so plain and so obvious, I just can't help to see...
    That all of us we are one and the same
    Only different in our ages and our names......"
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "[2002] Mobilize" album, click "Anti-flag Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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