Antimatter - The Last Laugh Lyrics

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Artist: Antimatter
Antimatter Author
Album: Saviour (2002)
Antimatter - Saviour Album
Song Title: The Last Laugh
Genre: Ambient
Visits: 910
Print Version

And so you had the last laugh - ha ha ho...
I laughed you off a long time ago.
Your ever changing personality never fails to tickle me at all.
You said you were a white witch,
Reminds me of a movie that you'd seen.
Well can you still open doors with just your mind?
In this little space in time, I've played with better things.
Everything you done...
The games you said you'd won - I still remember all to well.
The foes that fought and lost - the fools that bore your cross - I still
remember all to well.
And it's all a state of mind.
I've seen you crave affection,
Affected minds don't work too evenly.
Well what did you call it when you stabbed me in the back?
And rewrote in retrospect lovers pain.
Where do you find redemption? Tucked away in pre-recorded dreams?
Do you wake each morning wondering when it came?
The experiments in pain no longer here in my world.

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Other Antimatter song Lyrics
  • Saviour
    "Who hears the voices calling - who calls to rise above them?
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    Who reaches out for knowing, who knows when they've been chosen?
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    "Take me with you when you go, I'm not staying here alone,
    Push the button by the phone...
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    Crazy dreaming keeps me gleaming you'll be seething going down...."
  • Over Your Shoulder
    "Cautiously take cover in the woodland - no mistakes at all.
    Some terrain will catch you at your weakest - careful not to fall.
    Stay by the fire, sip from your water, lie in position, the winds blowing colder.
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  • Angelic
    "Angel cried last night; it was something in her dreams,
    Carving pictures on her bedroom wall, she wonders what it means,
    But gets by inside by saying it's not real,
    There's no reason to confuse myself no matter what it seems...."
  • Flowers
    "I had a dream, far away from here,
    Far away from you, far from all the pain.
    With strength in numbers, the sad betrayal braves,
    Return to desecrate those memories again...."
  • Lights Out
    "So you made it? Shame you had to fake it..
    So you feigned the way? You're a fucking disgrace to the name..
    So you reaped what I had sown?
    Scattered ashed blown into the unknown,..."
  • Everything You Know Is Wrong
    "I looked to the skies,
    Turning away with blackened eyes.
    I'm a stranger on a train, you're all strangers on a train.
    Sorry to confuse you, but all that you know is wrong..."
  • The Art Of A Soft Landing
    "I'm building a cage to chew things over,
    Far from where the rats can chew my brain.
    Losing the game and the deck's uneven,
    the building blocks of ruin......"
  • ...Show All
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Saviour" album, click "Antimatter Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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