Antoinette - The Fox That Rox The Box Lyrics

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Artist: Antoinette
Song Title: The Fox That Rox The Box
Visits: 813
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Don't stay shocked, cause it ain't surprisin
I ain't the sun, but Antoinette's risin
And neither am I your daughter
I ain't Crystal, but I'm clearer than water
Stamp? I ain't mail, so you stamp who?
Hogwash, and you're washed like shampoo
I give a blow to the Temple like Shirley
So see ya.. and bye-bye, birdie
Cause once again I gotta bring names down
And you be slidin on stage like James Brown
And like him you'll turn an addict
Now ain't that dramatic, from legend to static?
Rush me, and you'll just fumble
Don't think you're tough, cause all cookies crumble
I ain't even gotta strive to be the one
I'm the queen, I'm far from a crumb
So save the 'Cha Cha', cause I'm back out
The Lyte was dim, but here comes the blackout
And I'm hard to find
The week was yours, but the year is mine
Hm - thought you could take me
But even a good cook couldn't bake me
So hold on to you and yours, your shoes and socks
Cause it's the fox that rocks the box

They call me the Tailor of Rap, cause I got it sewn up
Sunday's the day, but you shouldn'ta shown up
No u-turnin, cause that's your route

Rooks check in, but they don't check out
And like paint your stay is permanent
I'm the Boss and only now you're learnin it?
Wash up, here's a wet rag
Don't know the time, you must got jet lag
Oh, here's the question I've been meanin to ask:
'Eyes on what'? Trash?
I'm large and I know you want a piece of this
But you gotta come sweeter, sis
You ain't found, but you seem lost in
Don't let me be the one to reach your fortune
Your lights are dim, you don't seem too bright
You must be go

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Other Antoinette song Lyrics
  • Hit Em With This
    "It only takes one blow from the knock-out pro
    Antoinette's on the set, hey yo, Hurb, let the beat go
    Call me a vocalist, a vocal extraordinaire
    And if you ain't heard yet, then just pull up a chair..."
  • I Got An Attitude
    "Aurally potent, lethal, bust steady
    Man your battle stations, I'm ready
    Cold gettin bigger, an idol-like figure
    Play me if you want and make like a trigger..."
  • I Wann Be Me
    "Has anybody ever tried to change ya
    Shape ya, mix and twist, rearrange ya?
    And tell ya, you gotta, gotta
    Become a lawyer, politician or a doctor?..."
  • Lights Out, Partys Over
    "This party ain't over
    That's what YOU think
    Hot damn, you're the hoe, so yo, pull up your zipper
    This ain't 'How Ya Like Me Now' or 'Jack the Ripper'..."
  • Never Get Enough
    "Antoinette, what's up, girl?
    How you doin?
    Yo, what's up, Spin, what's up, Pep, what y'all doin?
    Chillin, chillin, chillin..."
  • Who Gives The Orders
    "I ain't a fighter, but damn, I'ma beat it up
    Don't get me started, cause yo, when I heat it up
    I drop rhymes causin a earthquake
    Wish for your birthday, cause yo, when the earth shakes..."

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