Antoinette - Who Gives The Orders Lyrics

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Artist: Antoinette
Song Title: Who Gives The Orders
Visits: 855
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(Was it good enough for ya?)
(Good luck!)
(Was it good enough for ya?)
(Was it good enough for ya?)
(Good luck!)
(Was it good enough for ya?)
(Now get up!)
(Good luck!)
(Now get up!)
(Now get up!)
(Good luck!)
(Now get up!)
(Good luck!)

(Good luck!)

(Now get up!)

I ain't a fighter, but damn, I'ma beat it up
Don't get me started, cause yo, when I heat it up
I drop rhymes causin a earthquake
Wish for your birthday, cause yo, when the earth shakes
It's catastrophic and no one can stop it
But 'nette, so another must drop it
Cause to me your weapon ain't lethal
To whom it's the sequel
Part 2, the Boss's 'Who's the Boss'
The phase of death
So make a move or call for help
Cause to me it don't mean shit
If you ain't got the punch to make the hit
So walk, set, ready, war
Went nine yards and came up short
Of 10, so just say when
Drop it - now come again
You're just paperthin and I tear ya
So don't breathe too deep cause I hear ya
And if you sissies don't wanna get inta
I break and injure and flip just like a ninja
Couldn't punch mine, so what's the punchline
Beef? Huh, you better wait for lunch, I'm
Not the one to be played
Tried to wipe the map but I stayed
Hard, cause you ain't got the bomb to drop the science

That is, you're just a menace
You must be drugged, higher than Hitler
Delirious, so why it hitcha
Cause I'm the type to walk on water
So remember 'Who's the Boss' and 'Who Gives the Orders'

(Was it good enough for ya?)
(Was it good enough for ya?)
(Was it good enough for ya?)
(Was it good enough for ya?)-a

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Other Antoinette song Lyrics
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  • I Wann Be Me
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  • Lights Out, Partys Over
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    That's what YOU think
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    This ain't 'How Ya Like Me Now' or 'Jack the Ripper'..."
  • Never Get Enough
    "Antoinette, what's up, girl?
    How you doin?
    Yo, what's up, Spin, what's up, Pep, what y'all doin?
    Chillin, chillin, chillin..."
  • The Fox That Rox The Box
    "Don't stay shocked, cause it ain't surprisin
    I ain't the sun, but Antoinette's risin
    And neither am I your daughter
    I ain't Crystal, but I'm clearer than water..."

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