Anybody Killa - Intro Lyrics

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Artist: Anybody Killa
Song Title: Intro
Visits: 739
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Hey, anybody wanna hear something dirty?
Well ya know? You're gonna have to help me
You know that old building,
next to the Indian burial grounds?
Well word has it
There's a chest buried underneath the floor boards under the stairway there
And inside it, there's all type of dirty history
Left behind by this crazy warrior
And people say if it was ever dug up
It would bring this guy back around
Then he would spread all these messages himself
So now that I've told you all
Do you still wanna hear something dirty?
Ok, follow me
Look, there's the stairway
Come on, hurry up, let's pull up these floor boards
Look, there it is, help me pull it up
Quick, give me something to break off this lock
Cool, now help me open it up
What the....!

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Other Anybody Killa song Lyrics
  • 2 Whom This May Concern
    "Do I really wanna see so clear
    even though I know bad things might appear
    Tell me that it's not a waste of time
    To ride around and stare up here to try and clear my mind..."
  • Bombs On You
    "I will always keep my shit, underneath the surface
    Because the way i flow, the mainstream don't deserve this
    I'm set out to break backs on tracks, and scratch on all records that
    you spit on wax..."
  • Charlie Brown (featuring Violent J)
    "Charlie Brown please don't come around because you're weed is dodo brown and it smells like the ground. Your still my homie, but with that weed you don't know me.When i inhale this, the stalness creeps up on me. Charlie.
    I love weed, specialy when it gets me gasping, coughing up a lounge from that pasion. Grasping on the life with every hit that i take. When i'm high is the only time i feel awake. Roll it up.Bags on resurve is what i desurve.No joke i gots to smoke it calms my nurves, and if charlie was around i garente a tradgedy, from his dirt, brown weed makes heads start to hurt.Call me a high on red eyed zombi, smelling like old kanta twist a pinetree, and fuck smokey my names big inhale, and i'm known to take it down to the tail, you know what i mean. Rezy res build up on my fingernail. Clam bake inside the soundproof lotus pod cell. lettin out when i'm blessed again, so pass it back and let me get another hit big smoker.
    Charlie charlie you're weed is so sorry, you must have thrown it in a dusty sufery.I just can't smoke that no more, eventhough i'm broke and i'm poor.I smell that shit in your bag i choke and run for the door. dont hurt chi charlie and homie you still my boy, just keep that blunt at your spot, and homie you still my boy.The stress i can't never handle i need to be high so stay the fuck off my block, and don't come back on my side.
    Charlie Charlie you just ain't fresh anymore, be cause i like to be lifted.Your shit ground me to the floor.Don't make me deck you, charlie don't come round here with that, don't nobody wan't to hit that you bustas need to quit that. Charlie Charlie

  • Children Of The Wasteland
    "help me!
    in the casket, buried six feet deep
    help me!!
    in the casket, buried six feet deep..."
  • Close Call
    "Right place, right time, close call what does it matter?
    Clean get away keeping my dirty pockets fatter
    Smooth operation plans well thought out
    Hands in the air is what I'm talking about..."
  • Come Out To Play
    "Where you at motherfucker? Heard you been talking shit
    But everytime I come around it's like you seem to forget
    Shut your mouth you little hoe before I scalp your lips
    In other words you'll be a dead little punk ass bitch..."
  • Come Out and Play
    "f/ Jamie Madrox
    Where you at motherfucker heard you been talking shit
    But everytime I come around it's like you seem to forget
    Shut your mouth you little hoe before I scalp your lip..."
  • Down Here (featuring Violent J)
    "How ya doin'? It's me again!
    Underneath the concrete
    Sewage of the underworld, where the fuckin' dead sleep
    Creepin' and crawlin' with the stench of a rat..."

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