Anything Box - Conscious Lyrics

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Artist: Anything Box
Anything Box Author
Album: Elektrodelica (1999)
Anything Box - Elektrodelica Album
Song Title: Conscious
Genre: Pop
Visits: 797
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(claude s.)

A wrinkled photo on the wall
Tells things that came before it went away
Even all the ghosts inside
Hazy as can be, leave traces of who we used to be
And they say...

How does it feel? to know that you're real. how does it feel?
How does it feel? to know that you're real. how does it feel?

How does it feel? to know that you're real. how does it feel?
How does it feel? to know that you're real. how does it feel?

We could write a symphony
And go across the ocean and still
Never feel the earth inside us
Every little girl or boy becomes a hollow shell
But don't cry
Remember all the fun and let's sing...

How does it feel? to know that you're real. how does it feel?
How does it feel? to know that you're real. how does it feel?

How does it feel? to know that you're real. how does it feel?
How does it feel? to know that you're real. how does it feel?

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Other Anything Box song Lyrics
  • Living In Oblivion
    "You can't hide the pain,
    I can see it scrawled on your empty face.
    And i feel the hurt,
    It's in the words you say, they make me want to......"
  • When We Lie
    "I look to you
    And i see that you're aware.
    I feel as though
    You can see what's deep inside...."
  • Kiss Of Love
    "I felt the sun on me
    Made me see something i can't explain.
    Something in the wind
    Calling my name,..."
  • Jubilation
    "Every time I close my eyes
    I hide behind the blackened lies
    That follow me
    throughout my history..."
  • Soul On Fire
    "Here i am, all alone,
    All alone with empty hopes.
    Here i ran, all alone
    All alone within myself...."
  • Our Dreams
    "When we were growing up
    We wanted to become,
    The special people
    In this lonely, broken place...."
  • Carmen
    "There was a girl who used to live
    At the grey house by the bridge.
    At the edge of the empty world.
    Carmen's the name..."
  • Lady In Waiting
    "Hush hush, hurry into the dark room
    And try to forget the words
    They seep into your head.
    The rules, are broken tonight..."
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