Anything But Joey - Lushbox Lyrics

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Artist: Anything But Joey
Song Title: Lushbox
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I want my lushbox back tact tells me to shut my yap
Speak Spanish to me on the cover, under cover
I wanna be an ex-lover of a lushbox front girl

Now that hip ship sailed away (now those days are gone)
So maybe we'll see you rockin' out downtown one day. Rockin' out down town

(chorus) So say (say) you (you) won't (won't) go (go) Lushbox
Yea, say (say) you (you) won't (won't) go (go) Lushbox

We played for no one at Remington's with our own shirts on
take pictures of me in the men's room with Will's pants down.
And then he lit a small fire on a Lushbox frontgirl's shoe

Now these days have gone away (now those days are gone)
So come see us rockin' out downtown one day. Rockin' out downtown

(chorus) So say (say) you (you) won't (won't) go (go) Lushbox
Yea, say (say) you (you) won't (won't) go (go) Lushbox

There'll never be another band like you
There'll never be another band like you

We used to play with Lushbox, now we're playing alone
We used to play with Lushbox, now we're playing alone
We used to play with Lushbox, now we're playing alone
We used to play with Lushbox, now we're playing alone

(chorus) So say (say) you (you) won't (won't) go (go) Lushbox
Yea, say (say) you (you) won't (won't) go (go) Lushbox
(chorus) So say (say) you (you) won't (won't) go (go) Lushbox
Yea, say (say) you (you) won't (won't) go (go) Lushbox

There'll never be another band like you

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  • Miss Mary Mack
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    Don't look at me for dignity there's nothing here to see
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  • One
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    think of you once again with no boyfriend
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