Anything But Joey - Unimpatient Lyrics

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Artist: Anything But Joey
Song Title: Unimpatient
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Next time you break up, (if you show it) please don't make up, (I'll know it, without saying a word) cause I can't wait

Cause when I sit at home so lonely I have only one thought; a residual visual.
This song is for the girl so beautiful (that she don't know it, don't have to show it off)
Morning comes I can picture you when you wake up
You skip the make-up. You come equipped so you don't need it.
You got a grip on me you can't see it

(chorus) And when we wake up, we can make up without having a fight
So why don't you wake up? You need to break up
That guys a vice and you can't break it
He's got a grip on you I can't take it.
But if you'd break up, we could hook up and I can't wait

And it's not so hard to picture you/me together, not just at my show
My void's reshapen, I am in sucker heaven. I'll be your rock-star yo-yo

(chorus) And when we wake up, we can make up without having a fight
So why don't you wake up? You need to break up
That guys a vice and you can't take it
He's got a grip on you I can't take it.
I got a crush on you I cannot fake it
But if you'd break up, we could hook up and I can't wait

Imagine lovebirds with stupid code words for sex and all the little things
We'd act like everyday is valentine's holiday: We'd fall in love
And I can't wait

That guy's a habit and you can't break it
He's got a grip and I can't take it
I got a crush on you I cannot fake it
Why don't you break up? Cause I won't make it until you wake up.

Yeah, I can't wait

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  • Lushbox
    "I want my lushbox back tact tells me to shut my yap
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    I wanna be an ex-lover of a lushbox front girl
    So maybe we'll see you rockin' out downtown one day. Rockin' out down town..."
  • Marci II
    "Last time I saw your eyes I thought that I'd see you again
    How could I know when you said goodbye - That this would be the end of
    something so wrong but I thought it was so right
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  • Miss Mary Mack
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  • One
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    trading licks to reach the core
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    That I'll never be the one 2 3 4..."

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