Apartment 26 - Void Lyrics

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Artist: Apartment 26
Song Title: Void
Visits: 804
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If I gave it all, I'd have nothing to give
If I gave it all, I'd have nothing to give you
If I gave it all, I'd have nothing to give
If I gave it all, I'd become void

If I let you know, I know that you'd forget
If I let you care, I'll have a fate of regret
What could I doto prepare for the backlash?
Crash, smash, how long will it last?

If I gave it all, I'd have nothing to give
If I gave it all, I'd have nothing to give you
If I gave it all, I'd have nothing to give
If I gave it all, I'd become void

When I come back, don't expect me to be here
Life is like a re-run; commercial free
Sponsored by the sacrifice of individuality
Easier to take away what was never missing

If I gave it all, I'd have nothing to give
If I gave it all, I'd have nothing to give you
If I gave it all, I'd have nothing to give
If I gave it all, I'd become void

Six double five three two one
You could never know just what it's become
Six double five three two one
You could never know what it's become
Six double five three two one
You could not know what it's become

If I gave it all, I'd have nothing to give
If I gave it all, I'd have nothing to give you
If I gave it all, I'd have nothing to give
If I gave it all, I'd become void

If I gave it all, I'd have nothing to give
If I gave it all, I'd have nothing to give you
If I gave it all, I'd have nothing to give
If I gave it all, I'd become void

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Other Apartment 26 song Lyrics
  • Backwards
    "Finished looking for the answers
    Now I'm looking for the questions
    I can look into your mirror and see inside your head
    See my reflections and this is what I've bled..."
  • Doing It Anyway
    "Home is a consequence, made of all you think you want to know
    Life has not offeder me anywhere that i'd call home
    Did you want me to taste you? can you touch me?
    Did you want me to touch you? can you feel me?..."
  • Slicedbeats
    "All of this here for me
    With nothing left to be
    Unwilling to succed, my head up in the clouds
    I feel I left behind when I set out to find a new beginning..."
  • Keep You
    "What if it's truthful? Well then it's nothing
    What if it's harmless? Well then it's nothing
    What if it's nothing? Well then it's something
    I think I'm onto something that I can't find..."
  • Apt 26
    "Repetition of my mind inside decline
    I'm sick of all the people telling me to read between the lines
    Deja vu? True. Inside it is you
    I know I live inside a world who hates my mind..."
  • Hallucinating
    "Who are you? Who are you? I don't know you
    Turn my back, turn my back, then I'll see you
    Never been, never seen, like a sixth sense
    Who am I tonight?..."
  • The Fear
    "She lays naked and stretched out
    Like I could only help her when she's moist
    Waiting on the floor
    She could have been just about anything..."
  • Basic Breakdown
    "They're telling me to stand up and stand up
    I'm being made to fake a slide, now differeniate my kind
    I'm telling you to stand up and stand up
    So get up! And get up!..."

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