Apex Theory - Bullshed Lyrics

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Artist: Apex Theory
Song Title: Bullshed
Genre: Alternative
Visits: 896
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Rush out for long awaited offenders
Rush out for long awaited friends
...We're not impressed with blinded herds
Nor with the way they dress
...We're not impressed with blinded herds
Nor with the way they dress

We saw those animals ahead toughening their skin
Scraped and bruised couldn't be good
Woke to cleaner and fresher air
Resistance can't help the frightened ones
Run only when you are threatened
Much of which comes from childhood
And from being blunt

Rush out for long awaited offenders
Rush out for long awaited friends
W're not impressed with blinded herds
Nor with the way they dress
We're not impressed with blinded herds
Nor with the way they dress

Casual instances of "Random Bursts"
Make for time's enemy
What is to lose?
Only yourself and everything
Do you think i'm letting up?
Stray us from nationalism
Our anthems respected
We feel strong,
Use it's platform
Mark yourselves from cornerstones

Rush out for long awaited offenders
Rush out for long awaited friends
We're not impressed with blinded herds
Nor with the way they dress
We're not impressed with blinded herds
Nor with the way they dress

Rush out for long awaited offenders
Rush out for long awaited friends
We're not impressed with blinded herds
Nor with the way they dress
We're not impressed with blinded herds
Nor with the way they dress

Rush out for long awaited offenders
Rush out for long awaited friends
We're not impressed with blinded herds
Nor with the way they dress
We're not impressed with blinded herds
Nor with the way they dress

Rush out for long awaited friends

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Other Apex Theory song Lyrics
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  • Drown Ink
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  • Thats All!
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  • Bravo
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    The very third house
    See the light through
    Threw out the last ouch..."
  • Right Foot
    "Never did i find a nest for my soul
    We have made all the bans we imposed
    We have thrown
    On ourselves..."
  • Aisle Always
    "Remember when we heard our song, we say it
    Remember, when we shared our toys with one another
    How it was that night
    They took us through the station..."
  • ...Show All
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Topsy-Turvy" album, click "Apex Theory Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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