April Sixth - Suicidal Lyrics

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Artist: April Sixth
April Sixth Author
Song Title: Suicidal
Visits: 800
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Verse 1:
You wanna know, what's driven me down, to the bottom of this pit.
Well, I took my time in dealing with your love.
And all the pain I tried to forget. Well it hurts to say that.

I'm afraid.
From the grave I made, now you push me in,
and you're leaving me to die.

Well, you are the same as me.
Don't tell me it's over, it's over.

Verse 2:
Well, I took a chance, and drifted back into your world.
All the memories we made, the wonders that we shared.
The night we gave it all away.
Well, it's sad to say.


I'm suicidal
I will never try to hide this way you look at me.
Take it back against the will inspired to die myself again!

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Other April Sixth song Lyrics
  • Bring Me Down
    "I hear it again, when the fear sticks out.
    Well, I'm thinking about what you wanted more.
    Do you think that the wind doesn't carry your words,
    'cause I can hear everything you say...."
  • Roses
    "You took the roses, dead and gone, I gave.
    You took the sun and moon from which we made.
    You'll be the one to kill me, in the end.
    All the promises you swore were true...."
  • You Come Around
    "Love me, guide me, teach me your way.
    To feel the compassion you give every day.
    I know if I try it, just for a while,
    well I just might like it and come for more!..."
  • Come Set Free
    "The destruction of your lives,
    see me, to get away from everything.
    And I'll take it upon myself,
    to leave it upon me...."
  • See Me Alone
    "In this dark world, no one really cares what happens to me.
    So, when I bring myself down
    can you hear the words that I say to you 'cause.
    It's the same as long ago,..."
  • Somewhere Waiting
    "Well, it's your life.
    Yea, you may have your reasons, and you may have your lies.
    But one day you will start to see that living isn't just to die.
    Take a sip of what you're given, cause it might save your life..."

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