Arcane Sun - Longing For Edens Rain (And Winters End) Lyrics

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Artist: Arcane Sun
Arcane Sun Author
Album: Arcane Sun (1999)
Arcane Sun - Arcane Sun Album
Song Title: Longing For Edens Rain (And Winters End)
Genre: Metal: Doom
Visits: 1129
Print Version

Beneath the very skies that I had, for so long, sought in vain. An arcane sun
hid behind clouds who were to be my salvation. 'Nectar of the gods; you once
said, now it was their tears I craved, to wash me of this all enveloping and
soul destroying aura. 'And Love Itself Seeks Our Nectar?' I asked. 'Only you can
answer that' he said. 'Why then do I feel as though I am standing before the
court and telling them I have kissed Eternity. When clearly by my withered face,
I have not?'. Still I stand desolate, the path of tears distinguished on my face
and it has not rained in so long. Does this winter have an end?
'It is not really so I have told myself, but to a man whose own reflection is
threatening, such rational words fall forever on deaf ears. And yes, you hold
Eden and your golden aura that I have held in my hands will take me to other
worlds where the fruits of Eden are life itself.' And as love itself seeks our
nectar, to read your next chapter is all I have wished for, but a blank page
will enlighten no man.

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