Ardulph Ardebahr Wald - Traumwandler Lyrics

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Artist: Ardulph Ardebahr Wald
Song Title: Traumwandler
Visits: 839
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I wandered down in Demonsworld - the landscape of lost play
I wandered on the edge of time - where night was also day
The time was short - this time was mine
I was born for no reason
The lifetime of the one-eyed soul was only one dark season

Just draw them on stone
Engrave them on bone
Fly to the dead moon
and meet me there soon ;

Und du weisst, tief in mir, die einzigen Dinge, die es je geben wird
Mein Fleisch starb ab auf einem steinkalten Bett - am Rand der Zeit wo ich

I slept on pain in Demonsworld, the night was deadly cold
And in the rain I drowned , surrounded by a thousand crystal souls

Just draw them on stone
Engrave them on bone
Fly to the dead moon
and meet me there soon ;

You came to me and gazed through them and through my open wounds
And then you saw the blasphemies dwelling in the heart of doom
I died deep down in Demonsworld - the landscape of lost play
My flesh deceased on stone cold bed - on the edge of time I lay

I slept on pain...

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