Arena - Solomon Lyrics

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Artist: Arena
Arena Author
Album: Songs From The Lion's Cage (1995)
Arena - Songs From The Lion
Song Title: Solomon
Genre: Rock
Visits: 1021
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In the distance
Hidden from sight - patiently
Waiting for me
Part of the night - enemy mine
This horizon
Darkness and light - opposites
Drawn together, one forever
Wrong and the right - enemy mine
Now is the time to decide......

Don't answer me with the same old questions
Don't patronise with those tired old solutions
I've heard these before, I've been here before
Don't pay me back with the same old deceptions
Don't give me facts
and predictable suggestions
I've heard these before, I've been here before
Then you're screaming all the time
You don't listen any more
When you threw out the hope
with the dustbin liners
You were standing alone
with your coat of kindness
Covered in mud - it was soaked in my blood
When you fed me to the lions
in your personal arena
And you watched till the cries
and the prayers grew weaker
Head in my hands - Dripping tears in the sand
The roar of the lions
As the victim lies damned and alone.......

When agony comes
more from hope than failure
Look further than
your preconceptions,
Where the power
of the mind can
take you out
beyond this reach
Higher than the dull
and simple world you
know so well
Back to paradise.......
Who keeps the child - Tell
me which is the mother?
The need in her eye,
and the eyes of the other
and I've seen this before,
I've been here before
Cut the child in half,
give a piece to each woman
A desparate chance,
the last hope has fallen
Just like before,
I've felt this before
And the gurgles of laughter
echoes once more in my

So I lie down in my mothers arms
And I cry in my mothers arms, praying
Praying for the end to come.....
A friend to come and rescue me - right now
So I listen to my mother's voice
And I listen to the
Only choice she had to make
Living fear cold and naked

Throw me away? Don't throw me away
"Take the child - it's yours!"
Was the only thing she could have said.....

Does it matter to you?
In the lion's cage we're all the same
Does it matter to you?
It's a child's game with a child's name
Does it matter to you?
If I place the blame upon your shoulders
Don't try to fool the world
Don't try to rule the world again.....

Throw away my life in the fireplace
With the old love letters
And the Nottingham laces;
Trying to forget the warm embraces
Video suppers and the funny faces
Does it matter to you?
Does it matter to you?
Does it matter to you?
Does it matter at all?

Alexandre P?russe

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