Argument - Song One Lyrics

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Artist: Argument
Song Title: Song One
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8th grade Winter Break,
'Cause I studied hard,
My parents broke down and bought me a guitar.

I turned it up high,
I strapped it on low,
Taped your picture to the mirror, baby,
And I struck a pose.

I sent you a note,
"Yes or No, Circle one"
You wrote "maybe so"

Well, its on to plan B,
'cause plan a went all wrong,
laid the phone on the bed and I sang you my first song.

In a late night telephone serenade.

I'm letting my heart roll right off my sleeve,
And onto an empty sheet of looseleaf.
I'm sure there'll be more,
But this first one's for you,
So go ahead this is where you shoot me down

I got a simple melody,
Clich sounding words,
For added effect I put your name in each verse.

Don't ask what its called I haven't named it just yet,
But if you like I'll put it down on cassette.

Would you a like a recess serenade?

I'm letting my heart roll right off my sleeve,
And onto an empty sheet of looseleaf.
I'm sure there'll be more,
But this first one's for you,
So go ahead this is where you shoot me down

And I really don't care how silly this all sounds,
'Cause I know I'm gonna make mistakes the first time around.
So I better write this down.

I'm letting my heart roll right off my sleeve,
And onto an empty sheet of looseleaf.
I'm sure there'll be more,
But this first one's for you,
So go ahead this is where you shoot me down

8th grade Valentine's,
I'm way over you.
Took your picture off the mirror, baby
And started song two.

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Other Argument song Lyrics
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  • Movin In
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    From now you better be sure,
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  • My Dumb Luck
    "Well, I guess I can't complain.
    I've had it good so far,
    Everything just falls in place,
    When it should fall apart...."
  • Practice Smiling
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  • Soaked
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    My eyes are closed and Im in bed.
    Just trying to figure out
    How you got so stuck in my head..."

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