Argyle Park - Phone Conversation Lyrics

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Artist: Argyle Park
Song Title: Phone Conversation
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Techno sonic bass ok, do it ump. ump. ump.
ok right comes in after like about like two or three seconds
of that come in with some marching drums.
dulunta. dulunta. You know whatever that is,
something that goes in time with the ump. ump. ump. ump.
ummmm, come in ummmmm,
that happens (humming) then a kinda like ummm orchestra hit
some thing like (humming) ....
techno u huh a little techno stuff you know with some guitars
going you know (humming) you know like a,
kinda like distory kind of not very sick sounding kind of stuff
like that ok you know what I'm talking huh .....
chordy, all chords you know. Comes in with that, ummmm,
I lost track, oh, (humming) all stuff like that all the sudden it
would be like (humming down to rumbling) static, feedback,
screams, like from out of nowhere right You know all this kind of crap
just comes in and then you know still that ump.ump.ump.
you know that pretty basically be throughout the whole entire song
I guess um huh and then ahhh, thats all I thought of.
Oh, that's it? I guess. Where does it go from there?
Ummm, more techno. Oh, ok What do you think?
Sounds good to me.
(laughing) I mean you just wrote the song yourself right there,
what do you need me for? I just wrote, I just didn't have a trainer,
it's like, it would be pretty cool just a ump. ump. ump. ump.
and I'm like yea you know that's kinda boring but like we could get
some marching drums you know daluntata daluntata
(laughing) something like that would be really cool,
and then, whats this?

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