Arid - Silent Reproach Lyrics
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Arid Singer Lyrics
Silent Reproach Song Lyrics
All Is Quiet Now (2002)
Song Title:
Silent Reproach
Print Version
You riddle, you say
You throw yourself
On to me
Its kind of hard to lay it down
Just one two three
And I know
Just why you take it slow
Youve got those things
Living down, down below Of the heart
You make it harder
Every time it comes around
We tell each other
Its not fair the way you take me there
And then you go and waive it off
Pretend you just dont care
But if you love me
With all of your heart
Theres no need to worry
Why do you have to make it so hard?
And if you cant stay
Baby its allright I
Ill be your blowtorch
Burning your way throughout
The night
You riddle, you say
You throw yourself
On to me
Its kind of hard to lay it down
Just one two three
And I know
Just why you take it slow
Youve got those things
Living down, down below
With every tremor
Of the heart
You make it harder
Every time it comes around
We tell each other
Its not fair the way you take me there
And then you go and waive it off
Pretend you just dont care
But if you love me
With all of your heart
Theres no need to worry
Why do you have to make it so hard?
And if you cant stay
Baby its allright I
Ill be your blowtorch
Burning your way throughout
The night
But if you love me
With all of your heart, yeah
Theres no need to worry
Why do you have to make it so hard?
And if you cant stay
Baby its allright I
Ill be your blowtorch
Guiding your way throughout
The night
But if you love me
With all of your heart
Ill make you proud of me
Ill guide your way throughout the
And if you cant stay
Baby its allright I
Ill be your blowtorch
Guiding your way throughout
The night
Silent Reproach Lyrics
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Other Arid song Lyrics
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You may hold a different vice
You may talk about me
Spreading round your foolish lies..."
You Are
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want to hide out
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I throw myself down
I am at your feet..."
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If you cannot girl
It will not let you go I
Have to strain every word just the same..."
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Ive always felt
All of my life
As if I was blessed..."
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We never closed the deal
I wonder how come
You left me here to feel..."
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Things you do know
Were they built to set and kill
Your own vibe?..."
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That you are
You and those things that youre not
That youre not..."
...Show All
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Arid Singer
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