Arkarna - Rehab Lyrics

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Artist: Arkarna
Song Title: Rehab
Visits: 874
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Come and have a drink with me
There's a place in Portobello where a man will talk to me
Here is a story of success
As he used to jam with Jimmy untill he was laid to rest
Ooh, he had to go and lose it
Ooh, if there's a chemical abuse it
Ooh oh he said

A lot of fun, a lot of fun to be had, but over do it and end up in the rehab
A lot of fun, a lot of fun to be had, but over do it and end up in the rehab
A lot of fun, a lot of fun to be had he had

No dont be swayed by his breath
The story on his face tells of a man who's cheated death
he said son, take a llok at me
I havn't been the same since that night in Seventy

Ooh, you don't have to go and lose it
Ooh, choose it and use it
Ooh oh, cos theres

A lot of fun, a lot of fun to be had, but over do it and end up in the rehab
A lot of fun, a lot of fun to be had, but over do it and end up in the rehab
A lot of fun, a lot of fun to be had, but over do it and end up in the rehab
You've got one life prove that you can use it, don't be a fool cos only fools abuse it

Live the life you love, the life you choose, don't be affraid
Live, the life you love, the life you choose

A lot of fun, a lot of fun to be had, but over do it and end up in the rehab
A lot of fun, a lot of fun to be had, but over do it and end up in the rehab
A lot of fun, a lot of fun to be had, but over do it and end up in the rehab
You've got one life prove that you can use it, don't be a fool cos only fools abuse it

A lot of fun, a lot of fun to be had, but over do it and end up in the rehab
A lot of fun, a lot of fun to be had, but over do it and end up in the rehab

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    Cos I'm here to stay,..."
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