Armageddon - Astral Adventure (the Escape) Lyrics

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Artist: Armageddon
Armageddon Author
Song Title: Astral Adventure (the Escape)
Visits: 816
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climb into the shuttle, there is no time to waste!
this is the last you will see of your family and home
the demigods have taken their lives, taken control
from now on we are renegades, destined to roam

we are blessed the chosen few
survivors of the holocaust
men, women and children work as crew
unite together we must

what lies ahead of us is a mystery
we all hail the new horizon
a future paradise in another galaxy
try to fill this myopic void

as we travel through the infinity of space
I lie down to rest and my mind wanders
will we ever find another friendly race?
I stare into the blackness outside... I wonder...

we will make our own destiny
create our own future
there are no boundaries
we are truly free

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Other Armageddon song Lyrics
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  • The Juggernaut Divine
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  • Astral Adventure
    "Climb into the shuttle, there is no time to waste!
    This is the last you will see of your family and home
    The demigods have taken their lives, taken control
    From now on we are renegades, destined to roam..."
  • Asteroid Dominion
    "We are all in a state of mourning
    Grieving the ones who did not survive
    We perform a ceremony for dead
    As their caskets float away into space..."
  • Faithless
    "I put my trust in technology
    Now I'm doubting we will ever reach our goal
    All ambition is now finally lost
    I'm no longer prepared to pay the cost..."
  • Into the Sun
    "I am the sole survivor of this illfated mission
    All the others are since long dead and gone
    We had dreams, we had visions
    Nothing left now but one crude decision..."
  • Burn The Sun
    "Sleppless nights, you're counting the days
    We're heading your way
    Waiting for the time to let it all out
    All that you're holding inside..."
  • Stranglehold
    "You drain my strenght... you suck my blood
    You're getting to me... like a disease
    Can't take a ride... at my expense
    Tables have turned - now I call the shots..."

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