Army Of Lovers - Youve Come A Long Way Baby Lyrics
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Youve Come A Long Way Baby Song Lyrics
Army Of Lovers
Glory Glamour (1994)
Song Title:
Youve Come A Long Way Baby
Print Version
You've come a long way baby
You've come a long way baby
You've come a long way baby
You've come a long way baby
You've come a long way baby
You've come a long way baby
You've come a long way baby
You've come a long way baby
Volare volare volare
She crowned herself the goddess eve
Female art of make believe
Cream of cream of dna
She went to work on the seventh day
Garden robbed by adam's rib
Her action started women's lib
The chromosomes of double x
Superior the perfect sex
Trust behind a closed remark
Queendom of the matriarch
Seaweed fashion aphrodite
Heiress of olympic heights
Khali in an evening gown
Volare at the speed of sound
Heart of gold a heart of stone
A shining hi-tech amazon
You've come a long way baby
You've come a long way baby
You've come a long way baby
You've come a long way baby
You've come a long way baby
You've come a long way baby
You've come a long way baby
You've come a long way baby
Volare volare volare
She rougifies her body mist
A proud and fertile periodist
Valley deep mountain high
Fertility where eagles fly
Vanilla myrrh and sandalwood
The nucleus of womanhood
Thorns of reine victoria
Volare santa gloria
In coliseum the romans win
The blessing of the wolverine
The empire of cleopatra
Right of the valkyria
The virgin mary's christmas scene
Her daughter jessica christine
A heart of gold a heart of stone
A shining hi-tech amazon
You've come a long way baby
You've come a long way baby
You've come a lang way baby
You've come a long way baby
You've come a long way baby
You've come a long way baby
You've come a lang way baby
You've come a long way baby
Volare volare volare
At night my sisters i impress
I walk about in see-through dress
A club privee a cool babette
An anorectic cigarette
A body perfect wrapped in silk
Fountain of the power milk
The statue stands for liberty
The icon of democracy
Trust behind a closed remark
At stake the flaming joan of arc
We finish our monogamy
On lesbos breed a colony
The spring the sun to mother earth
We certify a million births
Pumping hormones hanging on
We dance away the marathon
You've come a long way baby
You've come a long way baby
You've coma a long way baby
You've come a long way baby
You've come a long way baby
You've come a long way baby
You've come a long way baby
You've come a long way baby
You've come a long way baby
You've come a long way baby
You've come a long way baby
You've came a long way baby
You've come a long way baby
You've come a long way baby
Youve Come A Long Way Baby Lyrics
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Army Of Lovers Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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