Arrogant Sons Of Bitches - So Lets Go Nowhere Lyrics

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Artist: Arrogant Sons Of Bitches
Song Title: So Lets Go Nowhere
Visits: 790
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The autumn came in like concrete at my face.
Location hasn't changed but I'm not living in the same place.
Its useless to respond respond to anything I've said I've said
I hate to quote this song all wrong but "Why Can't We Still Be Friends"?
Aiming to upset me but you're baffling me with your actions.
I am wrong. You are wrong. We subdivide into two factions.
Its made me retarded, I wish I didn't let it.
Everything is upside down. I want those times I can't forget and

Everything is always falling apart.
Everything is always falling apart.
You know I'd amputate my flaws if it meant that I could be with you.

How can I be so self-important in the world today?
My dis-ease of choice will be arriving soon anyway.
We justify our selfishness in every pointless fight.
And I hate to quote this song all wrong but "It Doesn't Make It Right".
Fuck the world.
Everything is breaking and changing and
Everything inside of me is breaking and changing.
Why can't I ever let it go?
If I concentrate real hard I might not ever even know that

Everything is always falling apart.
Everything is always falling apart.
And I'd ignore my dreams in exchange for you being true.

It's going to rain tonight so everything is miserable.
Smoke some more and then I'll go back in and hate.
It's going to rain tonight but it's got to stop eventually.
Let's anticipate the sun and warmth and raise our fists and say:
"Everything is always falling apart, but I can't!"
"Everything is always falling apart, but I can't!"
Everything is always falling apart x1000
(Fell fast asleep. Woke up so easily.
Let's make our dreams transcend reality.
Let's not just seethe, give up, go back to sleep.
Wake up! Don't fall apart.)

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  • Built To Fail Motherfucker
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  • Future 86
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    Let?s hightail to Hawaii on a plane..."
  • I Just Wanna Have Sex With You
    "One two three Go.
    I don't like the way you cook,
    I just like the way you look.
    All you do is bother me,..."
  • Ive Got Enemies In High Places
    "Stop! Because I know just what you're doing.
    I've encoded all the lines of encryption I've been fed.
    Stop! Your fucking superpowers aren't working.
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  • Kill The President
    "What's the bullshit for?
    Verbal battlefield. Syllables of war.
    I shut myself off. It happens again.
    You're not my friend. You're not my friend...."
  • Radio Single
    "i cant wait to be a rock star
    so i can do lots of drugs
    and i know you think im kidding
    and i know you think im kidding..."

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