Arsonists - D-Sturbed Words Lyrics

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Artist: Arsonists
Arsonists Author
Album: As the World Burns (1999)
Arsonists - As the World Burns Album
Song Title: D-Sturbed Words
Genre: Rap: Hip-Hop
Visits: 861
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Note: This issupposed to be a strange song, so don't stress to hard over it.

*Somebody speaking another language*

*One of the Arsonists taking the mickey out of that lanquage*

*Somebody speaking in another language*

*unknown robotic speaking*

My two frogs, they got burned on the radiater (SFX of an eagle)

Two got flushed in the toilet and the two cookies fell

Oh man is that my beeper? (SFX of a cow)

Two pizzas said Yo (SFX of a pig)

The deal is in real (SFX of a pig)

Peace my brother said coming down the street, where you at kid where you at?

Where's the lime-green apple-sauce kid? (SFX of a pig)

Forty-eight times I told you don't go! (SFX of a pig)

The milk is not their (SFX of a pig)

Monkey where you at monkey? (SFX of a pig)

He said to me and my Father's telling me Yo father what you tellin' me? Daddy, daddy don't like me (SFX of a lion)

He said Daddy, Daddy the refridgerater's by the gate (SFX ofa pig)

I don't care what school you got to ("go to" is speeded up)






tyeer (SFX of a pig)

I was tellin' him yo you don't know me I'm not real! (SFX of a Parrot)

I said kid the TV is on channel thirteen (SFX of a parrot)

You know thirteen as in the teen and the feen and the reen? (SFX of a parrot)

The sky was black, it almost looked like candy-apple green (SFX of an animal, Not sure what)

Hey sweetie, what's going on with your metal plates? (SFX of an elephant)

Well now what you see, is the sun coming down on to the bus (SFX of an animal, Not sure what)

I said the sun comes down to the bus

I said the sun (SFX of a parrot) comes down on to the bus (SFX of a sheep)

So you play my CD, I call dumbleekunti

and he didn't know it (SFX of a lion)

I said who's your God, and he said lahumpli! (SFX of a pig)

I was like baby, you so sweet, your nectar is from my reflecter! (SFX of a horse)

I'm a flatunplii

I know who I am, and do you know who you am?

I was wih the chicken by the hippo (SFX of a bird)

I was with the chicken by the hipp-o (SFX of an animal, Not sure what)

Born with a monkey funky junky, who do you think you are you flunky? (SFX of a sheep)

I was a winner not a winner

Everybody knows my style

Coz the pimp said I was for Ninety-nine cence

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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "As the World Burns" album, click "Arsonists Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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