Arsonists - Flashback Lyrics

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Artist: Arsonists
Arsonists Author
Album: As the World Burns (1999)
Arsonists - As the World Burns Album
Song Title: Flashback
Genre: Rap: Hip-Hop
Visits: 855
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Rock Steady was a B-boy crew, but to me it's all about hip hop,
So, rock steady is a hip hop crew now. Its about all four elements, And we
represent those lovely, sratch pickers, arsonists,
All the b-boys that are down with us, the b-girls, we have some dope
B-girls, and you know, we got graf artists like East and Zero T,
Its just straight up on skills, this is Crazy Legs from the Rock Steady
Crew, I'm out

Hip-Hop was breaking, spray paintin' full train cars
DJ's cutting emcess presents the ghetto stars
I was the skinny shorty wop, with the bop in my step
Shams the bear and teloids, playboys and I was set
Running through the streets of the boogie with a bang
Pops was kinda strict, so at times I couldn't hang
But whateva the case, I stuck close to my hip-hop
Somethin' in my soul just kept that, on lock

And oppurtunity never knocked, but we was still open
Saying ish like fresh, like def (dope in)
And crack was on the corner rumblin' the dry goods
With something I decided never to persue in my hood
I was, too busy in the middle of the streets playing skelly
With Ray and Big Lou, listenin' to Flash and Melly
And rockin' block parties, seemed to be my route
But I had to give that up, they always ended in shoot outs

Hip-Hop was rhyming, hard timin', radio hits
No dats, so the D.J's was still in the mix
Grafitti and breaking took a back seat
Cuz the A

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    Why you wanna go against my heart and soul?
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  • Burn It Out
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    Splice my words, saddle my conscience..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "As the World Burns" album, click "Arsonists Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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