Arsonists - Rhyme Time Travel Lyrics

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Artist: Arsonists
Arsonists Author
Album: As the World Burns (1999)
Arsonists - As the World Burns Album
Song Title: Rhyme Time Travel
Genre: Rap: Hip-Hop
Visits: 900
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Okay we gon' set the coordinates
for Q-Unique to travel through rhyme time travel
Ahh, we're going to send him, 1979, 1988, and 1999

[computer voice] Nineteen, seventy-nine

Hoooooooo! (Hooooooo!)
Say ho, ho! (Ho, ho!)
Ah with the A to the B, the C to the D
Come on, party people get with me
Swingin, I give you what you need
and just check the rhyme as I proceed
ah with the funk, box, no dreadlocks
I keep a fade and stay well paid
The funky speakin Puerto Rican without a doubt
And suckers wanna test, you get smacked in the mouth
With the R-E-S, P-E-C-E-T *
No kid, don't you play with me
R-E-S, P-E-C-E-T *
Cause I'm rollin with the R-S-C
I'm with the Arsonists, to the Zulu Nation
To the top the destination
With unity, and elevation
Speak Q-Unique beats innovation

[computer voice] Nineteen, eighty-eight

Arsonists, settin fires
D-Stroy, Swell Boogie, Freestyle, Jise One

The force of one, vocally sprayed by poetic machine gun
Acknowledge existance of a prodigy born son
Even the odds divide come up with the sum
and the remainder will be one
The Q-U-N-I, Q-U-E
Check the menu, for what it'll be
Steady flow more, for lyrical pop
Cause I walk talk look live breathe hip-hop

Futuristic b-boy, Rock Steady Crew
Check your Chinese calendar, it's the year of the Q
Calm, down, my pace so you can
hop all over lyrical roller coaster ride
As I, once, again, climb, slow-ly, up the track
then fall in a poetical burst of an array
of fat linguistic dispersion
So get a grip, like a velcro strap
Cause when I step up I kicks the crazy rap
Conflict is none, t

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    Why you wanna go against my heart and soul?
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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "As the World Burns" album, click "Arsonists Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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