Artillery - Hunger and Greed Lyrics
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Hunger and Greed Song Lyrics
Terror Squad (1986)
Song Title:
Hunger and Greed
Print Version
You want it all, nothing you give
Searchin' for more is why you live
Your goal is to gain you cause others pain
Makes you feel well
It's in your head, a sick belief
How come you're never feelin' grief
Your goal is to gain you cause others pain
Makes you swell
You're searchin' for fortune and fame
But no-one remember your name
Driven by hunger and greed
Your pleasure is others defeat
No limits here, don't ask me why
But when will your mind be satisfied
You reap what you saw what you saw you don't know
Only time will tell
Head in the sky, you're aimin' higher
But only you're a laugh
You reap what you saw what you saw you don't know
King for a day !!
You're searchin' for fortune and fame
But no-one remember your name
Driven by hunger and greed
Your pleasure is others defeat
What you have you have - lying stop lying
What you want you take - dying denying
What you had you left - lying stop lying
What you left you lost - dying denying
No limis here, don't ask me why
But when will your mind be satisfied
Your goal is to gain you cause others pain
Makes you feel well
It's in your head, a sick belief
How come you're never feelin' grief
Your goal is to gain you cause others pain
Makes you swell
You're searchin' for fortune and fame
But no-one remember your name
Driven by hunger and greed
Your pleasure is others defeat
Monstrocity - they imitate our lifes
Deformity - caused by impreeding
Brutality - affirmed by the law
Stupidity - costed mutations
Continually - they disregard our lifes
Inhumanity - ignoring our feelings
Dishonesty - they
Hunger and Greed Lyrics
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Other Artillery song Lyrics
By Inheritance
"It's something inside
It's hard to put your finger on
There's no reason to hide
So be proud you're in control..."
Dont Believe
"Human, I can read your mind
Stranger, from your eyes don't weep
Clear your thoughts
Ease your mind..."
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"Do somethin', keep things apart
There's one thing, hidin' in your heart
Wanting freedom, keen for control
No one helps you, do as you're told..."
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"When young
There's so many questions to ask
You grow and you have learn things so fast
As kid, everything looks like a dream..."
Back In The Trash
"It just isn't what you do - that - leads you where you are
Excuses I have heard - over - from you
If you really would you - might just have a chance
If you really could - you - might just have a hope..."
Beneath The Clay (R.I.P.)
"So free
You feel when you've done your deeds late at night
So be
'Cause soon there's no shelter no place to hide..."
"All of your life
You idolized them
Those men with pride
Want to be like them..."
The Almighty
"I am the bringer of evil
I am the bringer of fright
I am the one with the power
Try me I'll show you I'm right..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Terror Squad" album, click "
Artillery Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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