Ashanti - U Say, I Say Lyrics
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Ashanti Singer Lyrics
U Say, I Say Song Lyrics
Chapter II (2003)
Song Title:
U Say, I Say
R&B: Soul
Print Version
You say
I say
You say
I say
You say
I say
But now you're out there playin' games
I know that you will never change
You say that you love me
But you still be wylin' out
All of this yellin', all of this fussin'
Over just nothin', in my house
I pray to my Savior
And hope He will just help me out
'Cause all this confusion got me just bluesin'
I know what I should be doin' now, yeah, yeah
I can't lie, I (Don't wanna waste no more time)
I can't see why (You never try to do me right)
I can't lie, I (Don't wanna waste no more time)
I can't see why (You never try to do me right)
You say (That you love me)
I say (That I love you)
You say (We don't ever have to fight)
I say (I don't ever wanna cry)
You say (You will never play the field)
I say (I will always keep it real)
But now you're out there playin' games
I know that you will never change
I try to be patient
To see if you could figure out
With all of your lyin', all your denyin'
I cannot keep you around
You know that I love you
It's gonna hurt me to see you leave
I can't go through bein' misused
'Cause you know that that ain't me, yeah
I can't lie, I (Don't wanna waste no more time)
I can't see why (You never try to do me right)
I can't lie, I (Don't wanna waste no more time)
I can't see why (You never try to do me right)
You say (That you love me)
I say (That I love you)
You say (We don't ever have to fight)
I say (I don't ever wanna cry)
You say (You will never play the field)
I say (I will always keep it real)
But now you
U Say, I Say Lyrics
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Other Ashanti song Lyrics
Dont Leave Me Alone
"What up Ashanti?
Hey, hey, hmm umm
Uh-huh, umm umm umm
Dont leave me alone..."
Dont Let Them
"Say that you want me, yeah
Say that you'll never leave me, yeah
You gotta tell me you need me, yeah
Don't let them take your love away..."
Every Lil Thing
"I want everything you got for me
Every lil thing every lil thing every lil thing
Baby from wat you told me you can give every lil thing
And baby from wat you show me instead of going out you can bring the world to me..."
"I'm focused now
I'm focused now
You used to touch me lonely
Hold me, kiss me, hold me everyday..."
"So im gone close my eyes and
I'm gone live my life
Despite what you think imma be free
See I aint never think that I would have the situation..."
Love Again
"I got somebody all that, he just got me feeling crazy
He really, really did his thang
I think he made me fall in love again
You came into my world and taught me things..."
Message To The Fans (Skit)
Ooh i can't wait to get next to you.Oh i just can't leave you alone.Boy you got me doing things that i would never do and i can't stop the way i'm feelin' if i wanted to.It's crazy bout' the way that you could make me say your name and if i couldn't have you i would probably go insane.
Only U
"I just want you to know
That throughout it all
It's only you that stuck by me
And for that I thank you..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Chapter II" album, click "
Ashanti Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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