Ashanti feat. Biggie Smalls - Unfoolish Lyrics
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Unfoolish Song Lyrics
Ashanti feat. Biggie Smalls
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Ashanti feat. Biggie Smalls
But I'm hurting while I'm with you (And another one)
And though my heart can't take no more,
I can't keep running back to you
See my days are cold without you (Here's Another one)
But I'm hurting while I'm with you (And another one)
And though my heart can't take no more,
I won't keep running back to you
(And another one....what? what?)
I think I found my strength to finally get up and leave
No more broken heart for me
No more tellin' your lies to me (And another one)
I'm lookin' like I got my head on right so now I see
No more givin' you everythin'
There's no more takin' my love from me (what?)
Ashanti Biggie:
See my days are cold without you (Here's Another one)
But I'm hurting while I'm with you (And another one)
And though my heart can't take no more,
I can't keep running back to you
See my days are cold without you (Here's Another one)
But I'm hurting while I'm with you (And another one)
And though my heart can't take no more,
I won't keep running back to you
Glad to wake up every day without you on my brain
No more waiting late up at night
No more havin' to fuzz and fight
I'm proud to say that I will never make the same mistake
No more thinkin' about what you do
There's no more of me runnin' back to you
Ashanti Biggie:
See my days are cold without you (Here's Another one)
But I'm hurting while I'm with you (And another one)
And though my heart can't take no more,
I can't keep running back to you
See my days are cold without you (Here's Another one)
But I'm hurting while I'm with you (And another one)
And though my heart can't take no more,
I won't keep running back to you
Some say the x make the sex spec-tacular,
Let me lick you from yo neck to yo back
Then ya, shiverin', tongue deliverin'
Chills up that spine, that ass is mine
Skip the wine and the candlelight, no Cristal tonight
If its alright wit' you, we fuckin (that's cool)
Deja vu, the blunts sparked, finger fuckin in the park
Pissy off Bacardi Dark
Remember when I used to play between yo legs
You begged for me to stop because you know where it would head
Straight to yo mother's bed
At the Marriott, we be lucky if we find a spot next to yo sister
Damn I really miss the way she used to rub my back when I hit that
Way she used to giggle when yo ass would wiggle
Now I know you used to sweets at the Parker Meridian, trips to the Caribbean
But tonight, no ends
Ashanti Biggie:
You must be used to me cryin' (And another one)
While you're out bumpin' and grindin'
But I'm leaving you tonight
See my days are cold without you
But I'm hurting while I'm with you
And though my heart can't take no more,
I can't keep running back to you
You must be used to me cryin' (And another one)
While you're out bumpin' and grindin'
But I'm leaving you tonight (Uuuh...and another one)
Unfoolish Lyrics
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