Ashanti feat. Ja Rule - Leaving (Always On Time Part II) Lyrics
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Leaving (Always On Time Part II) Song Lyrics
Ashanti feat. Ja Rule
Song Title:
Leaving (Always On Time Part II)
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Ashanti feat. Ja Rule
Leaving (Always On Time Part II)
Now as for me, I'm movin' on
You'll always be my baby
Baby, I just have to let you go for now
Thought I could take it for awhile
Maybe you'll make it back around
Baby, I just have to live my life for now
Can't seem to change it for awhile
Hope that we could make it back around
Anything that I want I can get it, boy
You know you turn me on and on
That's why I switched my frame of mind
To be there when you call, always on time
I'm lookin' to spread my wings and party
Everything and for everybody
Give me space, no time alone
It's like our hearts don't match no more
Still anything that you want, you can get it, boy
You know I still got love for you
(You'd call, I'd leave with you)
Now baby
Baby, I just have to let you go for now
Thought I could take it for awhile
Maybe you'll make it back around
Baby, I just have to live my life for now
Can't seem to change it for awhile
Hope that we could make it back around
When you was cheatin' you was probably thinkin' I was
Sad to think, but love got bumpy catchin' up to lies
And your lies can't look me straight in the eyes
I'm not surprised
You hurt me, baby
Don't bother me, baby
Just let me breathe and have my freedom
If you were me, what would you do
Always a lie and never the truth
Now as for me, I'm movin' on
You'll always be my baby
Baby, I just have to let you go for now
Thought I could take it for awhile
Maybe you'll make it back around
Baby, I just have to live my life for now
Can't seem to change it for awhile
Hope that we could make it back around
Yo', yo'
Why in the world would you wanna leave me, girl
Is there somethin' I did
The truth is that you was here at home
And I know a b**** can do bad on her own
You're not alone the way you hurt me, baby
S*** why me, baby
I'll free your pain
But little did I know that love was good
And as long as I let you go
That you'll feel the need to come back to me, baby
Who else can hold you and sex you crazy
Come back and holler at me, baby
Baby, I just have to let you go for now
Thought I could take it for awhile
Maybe you'll make it back around
Baby, I just have to live my life for now
Can't seem to change it for awhile
Hope that we could make it back around
Baby, I just have to let you go for now
Thought I could take it for awhile
Maybe you'll make it back around
Baby, I just have to live my life for now
Can't seem to change it for awhile
Hope that we could make it back around
If you were me, what would you do
Always a lie and never the truth
Now as for me, I'm movin' on
You'll always be my baby
Leaving (Always On Time Part II) Lyrics
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Always On Time
"Ashanti feat. Ja Rule
Always On Time
Gave you be mine
Always there when you call, always on time..."
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