Ashcroft Richard - Check The Meaning Lyrics
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Ashcroft Richard Singer Lyrics
Check The Meaning Song Lyrics
Ashcroft Richard
Human Conditions (2002)
Song Title:
Check The Meaning
Print Version
When I'm low, and I'm weak, and I'm lost
I don't know who I can trust
Paranoia, the destroyer, comes knocking on my door
You know the pain drifts to days, turns to nights
But it slowly will subside
And when it does, I take a step, I take a breath
And wonder what I'll find
Can you hear what I'm saying?
Got my mind meditating on love, love
Feel what I'm saying
Got my mind meditating on love, love
(The human condition, the human condition)
Too much blood, too much hate, turn off the set
There's got to be something more
When Mohammed, Allah, Buddah, Jesus Christ
Are knocking down my door
I'm agnostic getting God, but man
She takes a female form
There's no time, no space, no law
We're out here on our own
Can you hear what I'm saying?
Got my mind meditating on love, love
Feel what I'm saying
Got my mind meditating on love, love
Check the meaning
(The human condition)
Check the feeling
(The human condition)
Guess it's life, doing it's thing
Making you cry, making you think
Yeah life, dealing it's hand
Making you cry and you don't understand
Life, doing it's thing
Making you cry now, making you think of
Pain, doing it's thing
Making you cry yeah, making you sing
Don't say it, don't say it's too late
Don't, don't say it's too late (It's never too late, it's never too late)
Don't, don't say it's too late (It's never too late)
Don't, don't say it's too late
The human condition, the big decisions
The human condition, the big decisions
I'm like a fish with legs, I fell from the tree
I made a rocket (check the meaning), I made a wheel
I made a rocket (check the feeling), I swam the ocean (check the meaning)
I saw the moon (say a prayer), I seen the universe (and beyond)
I see you (check the feeling), I see me (check the meaning)
That's my reality
And while the city sleeps we go walking
It's a beautiful world
And when the city sleeps we go walking
We find a hole in the sky and then we start talking
And then we say "Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ
Buy us some time, buy us some time"
Hear what I'm saying
Can you hear what I'm saying?
Can you hear what I'm saying?
Can you hear what I'm saying?
It's gonna be alright
Check The Meaning Lyrics
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Other Ashcroft Richard song Lyrics
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"I spend the night,
Yeah, looking for my insides in the Hotel room,
Waiting for you.
We're gonna make it tonight,..."
I Get My Beat
"I get my beat with you
When we see things through
And I think about you all the time
Who the winners in the game were playing..."
"Into the brave new world
I hope I see you on the other side
Of this changing world
Baby when my ship pulls in..."
New York
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And I wanted to go
Half my life
And I feel kind of strange..."
You On My Mind In My Sleep
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The way to find your dream
Forget what's within within
Cos who you've been you've been..."
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The whole world is crumbling
Cos your crazy vision..."
On A Beach
"i, i have swum those raging seas
washed up by an ocean who had tired of me
how i survived i will never know
these legs got a home and a whole lot of hope..."
Money To Burn
"Oh I got money to burn
I want to burn it on you
Come on yeah yeah
I?ve got one short life..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Human Conditions" album, click "
Ashcroft Richard Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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