Asheru Blue Black (Unspoken Heard) - Truly Unique Lyrics

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Artist: Asheru Blue Black (Unspoken Heard)
Song Title: Truly Unique
Visits: 760
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Yo, walkin' in late...flagrant, quarter to 2

Tryin' to see what I can get into

See a few of my crew havin'...a good time

I don't know...I guess it must run in...a bloodline

Summer slide, incognegro...through the sea of people

Young shortys is fine but...illegal

Girl please you know this ain't your drink

One reason 'round you like a rollerskate and rink

Hit the bar with my whistle with a B-52

On the rocks with a kick to knock you out the box, DJ

On the wheel of steel, 1 and 2

Oh shit...let me go and see what's up with you

[Blue Black]

Without we gettin' OD'ed and philosophical

We creatin' a space where anything is possible

We makin' it so...even if it's not logical

'Cause we runnin' spiritual with the biological

A world of fire burn the side of space

Simply bridgin' the gap...and make your wild stop common place

Stand in front line with rhymes cocked

Wheter improper written...they all get dropped


Truly unique and we speakin' on a...

Truly unique and speakin' on a...

Truly unique and speakin' on a...

Truly unique and we speakin' on a... Unspoken Heard


A beautiful cat steppin' in...reppin' in...checkin' in...

To see a whole lot of A alike niggas like me

Just travelin' through...what's up are you?

Ain't nothin' what you gettin' into

Just cheesin', freezin', skeezin', pleasin', reason rhymes

Trees and dimes, legion lines, cohesion limes

And squeezin' mine as we bump and grind

[Blue Black]

'Cause braggin', boastin', buggin', toastin'

Not believin'...the whole shit of the evenin'

We've been...bobbin', heartrate...droppin'

Dress for sweat...throughout the reggae set

From all the grindin', windin', dancing from behind and

Findin' my niche and all with perfect timin'

Dippin', divin', so-so-socializin'

The world is ours so we shouldn't be so suprisin'


Yo, telecommunicate...orate, narrate, regulate

Delegate, designate, orchestrate chemistry, staciate

Dominate, isolate, alleviate and elevate

Just so we can differentiate


Truly unique and speakin' on a...

Truly unique and speakin' on a...

Truly unique and speakin' on a...

Truly unique and speakin' on a... Unspoken Heard

[Blue Black]

Yo, what I gotta do to step through

Yo, Blue Black...what you knew that, 1, 2 at

The screw top...with a brand new drop

From my crew who be lovin' that hip-hop

See we love it as mush as you do, but you who?

It's me the wah who, surfin' and searchin' like Yahoo!

With the liable...with the cowboy sitar

With a guitar...I be the rhyme spit-tar

I are...fall and the way from your average everyday

1, 2, kick the beat and don't stop

1, 2, kick the beat and don't stop

Yo, funny shit I drop


Comin' from F-ville...yo, the center of attention

But...yo, I don't give a...then watch ya stop flinchin'

Vivid like DVD and stand fridgin'

While I digitally mine holdin' a pivot position and

Exquisite you can't deal with it

Carry my mic in a case, all chromed out and fitted

Urban out-fitted, I rock with skaters and the thug

Poetic cow hooders who set it out in the club

Soon as you go to school, frustrated as hell

Parents who do they best to keep you out of jail

Critics, antics and mimics all the rest inbetween the hate

To see a brother mix intelligence with cream, I mean

We either need to be poor, black and conscious

A bank rolled up...kickin' nothin' but the nonsense...but

Imagine a brother like Ashe goin' out like that

Or Wes Jack or Blue Black...Truly Unique

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